Correction: Entropy-Patch-Choked-Nozzle Interaction: Quasi-Steady-Modeling-Regime Limits Probed

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In §II. Theory, two reduced-order models are proposed, which the authors have termed: the quasi-steady model (§II.A. Quasi-steady one-dimensional model) & the inertial/hybrid model (§II.B. Quasi-one-dimensional pointmass model), respectively. N.b., in both cases time dependence isn’t explicitly modeled, i.e., technically speaking both models are quasi-steady. Ergo, in hindsight, it would have been more apt to call the model proposed in §II.A.: the matching-condition model. With that in mind, the readership is encouraged to substitute “matching-condition model/modeling regime” instead of “quasi-steady model/modeling regime,” when reading this conference paper. Moreover, the following title would have been more suitable: “Entropy-patch chokednozzle interaction: matching-condition and inertial modeling-regimes mapped”.
