J.G. Spandaw
15 records found
One of the main focuses of this thesis is a special kind of symmetrical arrangement called a "Steiner system." Imagine trying to organize a group of objects in such a way that every possible subset of them fits together in a very specific and symmetrical pattern. These patterns a
Playing Dice with God
Simulating Bell's Inequality as a Game
Sixty years after John Bell published his paper in which he showed that local hidden variables with statistical independence are incompatible with quantum mechanics, its implications for the nature of the universe are still hotly debated among physicists and philosophers. In his
Wiskundige problemen leren oplossen in "Thinking Classrooms"
Het verbeteren van de lespraktijk met individuele werkbladen en het stimuleren van reflecties
Hoewel het probleemoplossen in het wiskundecurriculum is opgenomen, hebben docenten vaak behoefte aan meer praktische ondersteuning bij het onderwijzen ervan. De recent in het Nederlands gepubliceerde didactiek ”Building Thinking Classrooms” van Peter Liljedahl met daarin veertie
The Bayesian approach is a very important approach for tackling problems in statistics. It involves choosing a distribution that reflects the prior knowledge and thus takes all knowledge into account in contrast to the frequentist approach. It also assumes that the parameters (t
Geometry and Algebra
Relating axioms for plane geometry to the field axioms
In 1908, the mathematician Felix Klein published a book Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint: Geometry. This title aptly characterizes the focus of this thesis. This thesis introduces the axioms for Euclidean and projective plane geometry. Afterwards an arithmetic o
This study examines which factors in the behaviour of math teachers in their contact with high school students contribute to the developing, worsening or alleviating of math anxiety during mathematics activities.
The study was conducted in the form of a survey involving $888 ...
The study was conducted in the form of a survey involving $888 ...
Peer Learning en Succescriteria
Leerlingen helpen bij het beantwoorden van de vraagstukken ‘Waar moet ik heen?’ en ‘Waar sta ik nu?’
Het doel van dit onderzoek is om leerlingen te helpen bij het beantwoorden van de vragen ‘Waar moet ik heen?’ en ‘Waar sta ik nu?’ en gaandeweg factoren ontdekken die leerlingen hierbij belemmeren. De eerstgenoemde vraag gaat over het deel van het leerproces ...
Dit onderzoek beoogt de veelal overheersende productgerichte focus van leerlingen in het wiskundeonderwijs te verschuiven naar een procesgerichte focus. Hiertoe is een Hypothetical Teaching and Learning Trajectory (HTLT) ontworpen waarin volgens een iteratief proces onderzocht is
Is every expert equal?
An analysis of the differences in performance in structured expert judgement
In this thesis the differences in performance scores of experts in the Classical Model for structured expert judgement are analyzed. The underlying assumption in the Classical Model is that variance in performances of experts in a panel is at least partly resultant of the expert'
Representation theory and the regular representation
Splitting the regular representation into its group invariant subspaces
Representation theory is a branch in mathematics that studies group homomorphisms between a group and the automorphism group of a vector space. A special representation that every group has is the regular representation. This representation permutes all elements of the group in a
Peer assessment in high school mathematics class
Using peer assessment as formative assessment
Peer assessment (PA) is a process that involves students assessing each other’s work and providing their peers with (elaborated) feedback. This thesis investigates how an elaborated form of formative PA can be implemented in the mathematics class to promote students’ achievement
Symmetry groups of regular polytopes in three and four dimensions
The Platonic Solids, Binary Groups and Regular Polytopes in four-dimensional space
A pentagon is an example of a highly symmetric polygon in two-dimensional space. The three-and four-dimensional analogue of these polygons are the regular polyhedra and the regular polytopes. There exist five regular polyhedra in three-dimensional space and these are called the P
Landens transformatie
De verbinding tussen π, het RMG en de bètafunctie
Eerst introduceren we het rekenkundig-meetkundig gemiddelde (RMG), een snel convergerend algoritme dat een verband heeft met π en nog veel meer constanten en functies. Hoffmann toont dit in een bewijs aan, echter is deze niet waterdicht en amper onderbouwd. Daarom gaan wij ons ve
This Bachelor thesis is on Covariant Emergent Gravity (CEG): a covariant formulation by Sabine Hossenfelder of the ideas of Erik Verlinde on gravity as an emergent force. In this work, the ideas of Erik Verlinde are presented as well as the field equations of CEG. The aim of this