Joint IT+RCTR/ TNO-DS&S measurement campaign for AP-mine detection with VIR GPR

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The results of the measurements campaign held during the autumn of 2004 in a sand pit located at the TNO-DS&S ( formerly known as TNO Physiscs and Electronics Laboratory (FEL) GPR test facility "Waalsdorp" in the Hague, The Netherlands, are presented. Some contaminiation of the sand in the pit with small scatterers (e.g. sea shells) comparable in size with smaller anti-personnel mines (APM) and roughness of the soil/air interface make the APM detection a non-trivial task. The performance of the detector relevant to the above mentioned data processing schemes and resulting images are compared and discussed. The performance of the detector relevant to the above mentioned data processing schemes are judged with receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves built on the basis of the automated.