In traditional models of project delivery, stakeholders have clear assignments of risks, responsibilities, and liabilities. However, in today's large and complex infrastructure projects, these allocations are often uncertain and difficult to determine at the project's outset. Con
In traditional models of project delivery, stakeholders have clear assignments of risks, responsibilities, and liabilities. However, in today's large and complex infrastructure projects, these allocations are often uncertain and difficult to determine at the project's outset. Consequently, many of these large projects experience inefficiencies, such as exceeding time or budget. Thus, it is necessary to shift away from a 'predict and control' project delivery approach and adopt a 'prepare and commit' approach instead. Alternative project delivery methods subsequently require other contractor selection tools. This study examines the selection tool of team assessments to evaluate the collaborative potential of project teams during the tendering phase. A team assessment is a tool in which predefined collaboration competencies are assessed by independent assessors using one or more fictitious cases. Prior to constructing the cases the client and assessors identify critical moments that may arise during project execution and integrate these unforeseen moments in the cases. The client should possess a comprehensive understanding of the preconditions and limitations associated with team assessments and identify the project's characteristics and goals. Only then, a proper decision can be made on if a team assessment should be used and how the assessment should be designed and implemented. The crux is that all these considerations should be underpinned and aligned by appropriate substantiation and expert guidance. This thesis provides a framework including preconditions, restrictions, and process steps for the implementation of team assessments. Recommendations for clients, contractors, and assessors involve adequately preparing the assessment, using tailer-made competencies, developing a scoring system in which proper differentiation can be achieved, allocating a sufficient amount of time using a start-up phase to establish collaboration and streamline processes effectively, using lessons learned from the assessment in the design phase, creating consistency by having an assessor as a team coach in the design phase who reinforces the initiated collaboration, properly dealing with team member changes, maintaining a concerted emphasis on collaboration by transparently addressing it, fostering an environment of psychological safety in which mutual expectations and requirements are shared.