E. Pérez Guembe
12 records found
Selvie, which stands for cypress tree in Albanian, is one of the oldest symbols of mourning and death, but it is also a tree planted in burial sites for protection against evil spirits.
Dwelling between mourning and hope, a woman named Selvie walks us through her own sto ...
Dwelling between mourning and hope, a woman named Selvie walks us through her own sto ...
Selvie, which stands for cypress tree in Albanian, is one of the oldest symbols of mourning and death, but it is also a tree planted in burial sites for protection against evil spirits. Dwelling between mourning and hope, a woman named Selvie walks us through her own story, which
Lava Brick
Clay body-house body: the cosmic body
This lava brick resulted from a situated project that studies, through making, the house–workshop of a Zapotec woman artisan who hosted me over two long periods of time.
The process of working with clay externalised the knowledge of my thinking body by materialising embo ...
The process of working with clay externalised the knowledge of my thinking body by materialising embo ...
Wor(l)ds within Wor(l)ds
This documentary narrates through Zapotec women voices the entanglement of language, culture, myths, beliefs, natural catastrophes and the quotidian experience of these women in their communities. A material I worked with to create an installational work in a Zapotec community of
Architectures of Care
From the Zapotecs to the Cosmos
Our current “Anthropocene-Capitalocene condition asks architecture […] to take care seriously” (Fitz & Krasny, 2019, p. 20). Care for oneself, for the others and the planet in a “life-sustaining web” where architecture is “much part of weaving this web”(Fitz & Krasny, 201
Views on Delft
Around 1661, Johannes Vermeer painted what has become one of the most famous city views: the View of Delft. The city of Delft is depicted from across the water of the River Schie. We see the city as a collection of brick buildings with lower and higher towers, peaking into the sk
Mundos dentro de otros Mundos
This installation is the continuation of “Oaxaca. Earth moves”, a project which explores the earthquake suffered in Mexico in September of 2017, through the work with local black clay material in the house-workshop of a Zapotec woman who hosted me during several periods of time.
Oaxaca, Earth Moves (La Tierra se Mueve / LaTierra no se Mueve)
Notas de viaje, México 2017
Serie de fotografías y dibujos, inspirada por las notas de un viaje a México (2017) recopiladas a modo de poema, que queda marcado por el evento del sismo y los estragos sufridos en el estado de Oaxaca. Ahí nos encontramos con las mujeres que infatigables reparan e hilan ese tela
Reconceptualizing Zoos Through Mille-Oeille
A Posthuman Techno-Architecture to Sustain a Human/Non-Human/Culture Continuum
Technological mediation expands and multiplies our bodily capacities, since it influences the way we relate to our environment. This directly affects our notion of architecture, its scope and practice. From the body-machine to super-bodies and enhanced senses, to the virtual, or
An Architectural Response To Zoos’ Obsolescence in Post-Anthropocentric Times
Mille-oeille acts as an architectural proposal that offers an alternative to the inherited old-fashioned notion of buildings and recreational parks based on animal captivity for “educational purposes.” At a greater scope, Mille-oeille is also an invitation to rethink the basic pr
Oaxaca, la Tierra se mueve
Un modelo de resistencia posthumana para la preservación de la intimidad en comunidad
A través del análisis de la casa-taller de una artesana zapoteca y su contexto urbano, y las acciones cotidianas que le dan forma y viceversa, se reflexiona sobre la noción de intimidad como forma de resistencia en un mundo globalizado cuyas ciudades sufren, entre otros problemas
Pieles sensibles
La iglesia del Espíritu Santo: una lectura en homenaje al buen hacer de Lina Bo Bardi y a la buena reflexión de Iñaki Ábalos
“Hay otras formas completas de pensar y vivir […] que implican técnicas proyectuales bien distintas y que sin duda dan por resultado espacios […] que se alejan, en mayor o menor medida, de los que aún hoy tienen prestigio entre muchos profesionales”. Utilizando como marco de anál