This paper presents the concept of an 'empty network' and shows how the power balance can be controlled in such a system. In this study, an 'empty network' is defined as a transmission system in which no rotating mass is present. All generators are connected to distributed system
This paper presents the concept of an 'empty network' and shows how the power balance can be controlled in such a system. In this study, an 'empty network' is defined as a transmission system in which no rotating mass is present. All generators are connected to distributed systems and 'hidden' behind power electronic interfaces. One generator creates a neat 50 Hz voltage that serves as a frequency reference for the other generators. Consequently, a power imbalance cannot be detected in the classical way, as an altered system frequency. Therefore, a novel control system to maintain the power balance is needed. In this paper, voltage deviations are used to detect power imbalances, and remedies to eliminate the negative consequences of using the voltage deviations to detect the power imbalances are proposed and discussed.
Keywords: empty network; power balance control; distributed generation; distribution systems; power electronic interfaces; voltage deviations; power imbalances.@en