In this thesis a method of combined PIV and LIF experiments on the Turbulent/Non-Turbulent interface (TNTI) of a round jet is presented.
By varying the distance from the nozzle in the measurements, the Kolmogorov scale of a large range of Reynolds number (2×103 ≤ R
In this thesis a method of combined PIV and LIF experiments on the Turbulent/Non-Turbulent interface (TNTI) of a round jet is presented.
By varying the distance from the nozzle in the measurements, the Kolmogorov scale of a large range of Reynolds number (2×103 ≤ Re ≤ 48×103) is kept constant, allowing for a constant resolution. The large range in Reynolds number is needed to identify a difference in scaling of the TNTI, which is difficult to capture due to the weak dependency of the separation of Kolmogorov and Taylor scales on the Reynolds number (λ/η ∼ Re1/4). A factor of over 2.5 is achieved in the current work.
An experimental setup for these measurements is presented, as well as the design of experiments for seven Reynolds numbers based on the boundary and initial conditions of the setup. A design for measurements with a camera moving with the flow is presented as well.
Conditional statistics are used on the jet to look at the change of span-wise vorticity over the interface. For the detection of the interface scalar images from LIF are used, where the interface is detected using a threshold of dye concentration (Rhodamine B).
All Reynolds numbers show self-similarity within the measured range, comparable to literature and with a spatial resolution better than 4η. Some small differences between the low and high Reynolds number measurements can be seen. They are not expected to have significant impact on the results and can likely be solved by slight changes in the experimental setup.
The influence of the threshold on the shape and width measurements of the mean conditional vorticity profile is examined, indicating a significant dependency on chosen threshold. Current results indicate a scaling of the interface thickness with the Taylor length scale, around a value of 0.5-0.6λ, or 10-15η This is in accordance to the literature for low Reynolds numbers. Due to this significant influence of the threshold on the outcome, these results cannot be seen conclusive. For this, further investigation is needed on the dependency of the width on the threshold, and validation of the jet contour.
Universal ways to compute the threshold, jet contour and mean conditional vorticity profiles are currently missing, while they have shown to be potentially of significance on the outcome. Another method of studying TNTI scaling is via the local velocity scales, which can be found via current data, which could provide a comparison of methods. The measurements with the moving camera could help identifying the link between physical processes and the scaling of the interface.