The poetic dimension of metadesign
Finding opportunities for human transformation
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This personal Festschrift for Humberto Maturana spotlights his pioneering 1997 essay ‘Metadesign’. The author’s own PhD on metadesign was completed in 2003, and she uses Maturana’s essay as an aide-memoir for revisiting perennial questions about whether technology can catalyse a humane and creative society. In this personal and reflective essay, the author admires Maturana’s combination of scientific discipline and compassion. She also notes that, at a time when many saw metadesign as a way to design the technologies that would anticipate and meet human needs, Maturana was identifying its poetic, world-making capacity for human transformation. Today, designers can still learn from his respect for the vagaries and complexities of language, emotion and co-creativity when developing computational systems and infrastructures. The author concludes that Maturana’s vision of metadesign is convivial, rather than totalising. Ultimately, it is an appeal for imaginative and responsible action.