Healing by transforming

Creating the empowered healing environment

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According to the Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM), there will be more focus on tackling the unhealthy effects of urbanization in the near future. This together with the presence of a large stock of vacant buildings and other developments within these urban areas and the challenges which are formed by the developments in healthcare brings up the potential to create so-called healing environments. Although, mostly situated within a natural context, the question could be how to implement the design approach of a healing environment into an existing building within an urban context and what values it could bring to the surrounding neighborhood. Especially when given an user-centered (holistic) approach. This graduation design project explores in which way this user-centered design approach can be optimised by implementing certain 'atmospheres' within an existing context of a building in the station area of Leiden.