Revealing the Secret to Successful Virtual Meetings: How Personality, Social Skills, and More Impact Conversational Involvement

Do people that are assessed as better conversational partners have a higher level of involvement?

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The importance of understanding how to maximize involvement in virtual meetings has been greatly increased due to the rapid rise of video conferencing tools during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research builds upon the data collected by the MEMO Corpus, specifically interview footage and annotated data, and will aim to explore the various factors that influence group involvement in virtual meetings. The research will be conducted in three steps; data annotation, data exploration, and data analysis. The goal of this paper is to investigate the influence of factors such as likeability, listening, and audience engagement in how conversational ability is perceived, given that the scales provided by the MEMOCorpus are valid and the three measures are independent, and how conversational ability influences group involvement, by exploring the existence of correlations. The results of the analysis will provide insight into the dynamics of conversational involvement in virtual meetings and improve virtual communication practices.
