Denitrification kinetics during aquifer storage and recovery of drainage water from agricultural land

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An aquifer storage transfer and recovery (ASTR) system was studied in which tile drainage water (TDW) was injected with relatively high NO3 (about 14 mg/L) concentrations originating from fertilizers. Here we present the evolution of denitrification kinetics at 6 different depths in the aquifer before, and during ASTR operation. First-order denitrification rate constants increased over time before and during the first days of ASTR operation, likely due to microbial adaptation of the native bacterial community and/or bioaugmentation of the aquifer by denitrifying bacteria present in injected TDW. Push-pull tests were performed in the native aquifer before ASTR operation. Obtained first-order denitrification rate constants were negligible (0.00–0.03 d−1) at the start, but increased to 0.17–0.83 d−1 after a lag-phase of about 6 days. During the first days of ASTR operation in autumn 2019, the arrival of injected TDW was studied at 2.5 m distance from the injection well. First-order denitrification rate constants increased again over time (maximum >1 d−1). Three storage periods without injection were monitored in winter 2019, fall 2020, and spring 2021 during ASTR operation. First-order rate constants ranged between 0.12 and 0.61 d−1. Denitrification coupled to pyrite oxidation occurred at all depths, but other oxidation processes were indicated as well. NO3 concentration trends resembled Monod kinetics but were fitted also to a first-order decay rate model to facilitate comparison. Rate constants during the storage periods were substantially lower than during injection, probably due to a reduction in the exchange rate between aquifer solid phases and injected water during the stagnant conditions. Denitrification rate constants deviated maximally a factor 5 over time and depth for all in-situ measurement approaches after the lag-phase. The combination of these in-situ approaches enabled to obtain more detailed insights in the evolution of denitrification kinetics during AS(T)R.