Development of the Circular Product Readiness Method in Circular Design

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Design indicators can be used by companies to track circular design implementation, which can yield insights into their performance and opportunities for improvement. Yet, existing indicator methods either lack depth with regard to circular design, are incomplete, or do not use design semantics. This study explores product-level circularity indicators, with the aim of developing a comprehensive circularity indicator method specifically aimed at designers. The method development process follows a three step Design Science Research approach. It comprises a literature review and knowledge coproduction sessions with circular design experts on topics such as durability, repair, remanufacturing, and recycling. Furthermore, it includes company evaluations with two multinational corporations operating in the white goods and automotive industries. The study delivers the first indicator method for assessing circular product design on a broad range of aspects, including levels of readiness, company strengths, and opportunities for improvement. The method uses product design semantics to evaluate design aspects, takes a comprehensive view of the full life cycle, and has been specifically developed for industry use.